The TechRelief Directory goes live as an information source to help combat COVID-19

In response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Quasset launches the TechRelief Directory, an information source of potential risk-reducing and lifesaving technological solutions from across all industries and domains.
Visit the website here:
Technology plays a crucial role in the fight to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath, saving lives and solving urgent problems. It is essential that information about available technologies around the world gets to anyone that needs it fast. To help people and organizations around the world save valuable time, a team of volunteers at Quasset has taken the initiative to create an open repository where information about available solutions can be found. The team has worked long hours over the last few days to get a first version of this information source up and running. We will keep improving this source of information continuously as we go along, adding more functionality and information.
How can you help?
1) Spread the word about the TechRelief Directory via social media and online channels.
2) Provide us with information about available technologies that can contribute towards the fight against COVID-19
We need your help to make a positive impact! Thank you!